New licenses get 12 months of free upgrades and support included in the purchase. Add - this selection allows you to add one or more licenses to an existing Pro7 license.* Price will vary depending on Pro+ expiration date You should upgrade through this mechanism, however, in order to preserve use of your purchased Bibles.Enter your unlock code to see your specific pricing, but as a starting point… Earlier versions of ProPresenter are not eligible for any discounts and must be bought new. Upgrade - this selection allows you to upgrade from Pro6 for a discount or upgrade from Pro7 Seat to Pro7 Campus license if you're a House of Worship customer (i.e.Please read the following instructions closely to understand how our pricing is calculated. Please provide the information below so we can determine what you are eligible for. In order to qualify for any discounted upgrades, additions, or renewals, we must verify your existing license.