Thanks to Godspeed on the PlanetWarcraft Forums for his input with this tutorial. One problem encountered was adding too many doodads, this would cause the triggers not to work and possibly a game crash – so be careful. The trigger should still work, but this time for all trees. To create a large number of trees that re-grow, use the second method, then after creating the tree and trigger, go back into the World Editor and simply copy the tree.

I do not know whether this will end up growing a forest, or delete what is already in the region and grow another tree. This is the safest, but you will have to create a Timer variable, and start the timer in the map initialization trigger. – creates a new tree in the region: ‘Region 000’ – Should re-create the tree every time it is cut down. And what surprised me the most was that it looks the same as the old world editor from 2002. Not everything is in the editor yet but most of the functions are. This will only work once – I know that for a fact.ĭestructible Doodad – Resurrect Tree Wall 0000 with (Max life of Tree Wall 0000 ) life and Show birth animation Now that i had some time to test the Reforged World Editor for Warcraft III Reforged it is time to make a review. I will give you the triggers of each methodĭestructible Doodad – Tree Wall 0000 diesĭestructible Doodad – Create Tree Wall at (Center of Region 000 ) facing (Random angle) with scale 1.00 and variation 0 There are a couple ways that you can do it, I am not sure if they ALL work the same. Great for easy money multiplayer missions! This tutorial will show you how to make trees re-grow once they have been cut down.