Do content including Flashpoints, Operations, PvP, Story Chapters, Onderon and Mek-Sha Dailies and Conquest to get randomized gear based on your item-rating.
Whenever you get a piece of gear with a higher item-rating, equip it even if it is not your ideal piece of gear to increase your item-rating, working towards a 306 item rating.
Complete the Onslaught expansion to receive a full set of item-rating 268 gear.
What is the easiest way to gear up for endgame level 75 in SWTOR?
Spoils of War Random Unidentified Gear Vendor.
Chapters, from the Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Order expansions.
Crafting, or buying crafted gear from other players.
Renown system, from all solo and group activities.
Once you reach level 75, high-end gear comes from completing various types of content in the game. While you are leveling and playing through the story, gear comes fairly naturally at the end of almost every quest.
Improved Renown Experience Legacy Character Perk.
Mix and Match Armorings, Mods and Enhancements.
Bolstered Story/Veteran Group Content = No.
What is the easiest way to gear up for endgame level 75 in SWTOR?.